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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sick, Busy and Fox News!

I apologize for now lying to you all TWICE! I hope I can make it up to you in todays post. I'm going to cover a few things today, so hold on to your wigs and keys!

Okay, to start off I have felt like crap since Thursday afternoon (THANKS GRETA!). My mom seems to think it's allergies (which, honestly, it very well could be) but I am not as optimistic. Friday I called in sick to work, but HAD to go to school to take a math test and a government test (which I am positive I failed both). Saturday I saw Where the Wild Thing's Are (I'm still trying to process it... but I liked it none the less). After that I was supposed to go to the corn maze with Alex. But, by that time, the 70 degree weather had eroded into fits of down-pouring rain. So, we decided to do something that was exciting/dangerous.... (ask privately if you want to know... lol). And, today (Sunday) I made it down to Wal Mart (must have been a welfare check weekend! WHOOOOOOEEEEE!). I decided to invest in a little bit of happy.  I bought a 22 in VIZIO HDTV. It is super pretty and the picture looks like the people are standing right there in the screen. It's amazingness on a screen.

This leads me to ponder the week ahead. Tomorrow I face the imminent threat that I will be failing my math class and be close to the same in my gov class. I have to work tomorrow night (hooray...?). And I SOOOO tired, yet I can't sleep (this is a recurring issue). This week should be a challenge to say the least.

About my previously teased posts, I actually started to write the one about driving, but it just didn't have the umph it needed to come off right. In person, I REALLY get going, but in words it just wasn't cutting it. So, to you, I apologize. Maybe I can do a audio post? lol

Today, my major rant was about the Obama administration attacking Fox News. I did a little bit on Facebook, but I'm gonna do a little more elaborating on here.

We ALL know Fox News is by and large a right wingish news channel. It's no secret. These claims are true!  We all know it. Also, SMART people realize that most of the shows on Fox are OPINION programs! No one is claiming that Glen Beck is a hard hitting journalist! He has an agenda, just like EVERYONE ELSE! His, just happens to be anti Obama.  But what about CNN or MSNBC which are BOTH largely leftist channels? Why is no one calling them out? Oh, right, because they are a mouthpiece for the government. It's not so much that its the Fox network that bothers, but the fact that the President feels the need to attack an opposing opinion. That's not exactly how our system works Mr. Obama. We're not in China.

Also, I would like to point out that, yes, Fox News does occasionally make mistakes in reporting... but! So does CNN! AND CBS. AND EVERYONE! They all make mistakes, but no one is gunning for CNN, so there is no reason to point them out or even investigate.

So, Obama... BACK OFF THE MEDIA! It's not your job to decide what people can and can't say. It's called FREE SPEECH ass hole.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. YES! Obama needs to put on his big boy panties and fight opposing opinions like a real man!


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