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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Personal Hell

Nothing like a terrible morning to make me realize exactly WHY I hate public transportation. Today was the SECOND TIME in a row that when I got to the Park and Ride (my ass...) and there was NO parking spots left! I even go there 20 minutes before the bus came this time to make sure I get a spot! Apparently, that's not enough.

I took the liberty of calling the STA while I drove around for 30 minutes looking for a parking spot. Yeah, thats right, I missed TWO busses today. It was enough to make me want to shoot a homeless person. When I finally got a real person from the STA I was informed that if the parking lot was full, I was supposed to find a parking spot somewhere on the streets of Spokane and then walk back to the Non-Park and Ride location. Unfortunately, there was no close spot on the streets to be found.  And, it being the shitty part of downtown, I wasn't willing to venture too far from my car in most locations. So, shaking and cursing with a fervor that I rarely see in my life, I pulled into a gas station to fill up my car and make the trek out to Eastern.

Still shaking as I pumped my gas, I started to calculate things in my head. It's 33 miles to Eastern from my house. My car, funny enough, gets around 33 miles to the gallon! So, each day I drive to Eastern, I am using around 2 gallons, which is also around $6 a day in gas. Counting the time it takes me to get ready and such (I wake around 7 each day) I am spending 3 hours a day GETTING to Eastern. In my mind... this doesn't make sense at all. And thats not considering the hour home commute. 4 hours a day of my life theoretically wasted. So, I stared looking for the solution.

I need to move to Cheney. Most of what I do with my time these days (school, blah!) happens in Cheney. I work three days a week in the valley. So... wouldn't it make more sense to drive 3 days a week to Spokane (where I make up the cost, there and back, in the first hour) rather than going out to Eastern 5 days a week, driving or otherwise?

This lead me to contact the Financial Aid department this afternoon, where the informed me that if I showed them my lease, they would be able to get me a student loan for $5,500 to cover the apartment plus living costs.

To cut a long story short, tomorrow I am looking a few studio apartments, a one bedroom, and a two bedroom that is the price of one. Holla! Well, wish me luck! And share your thoughts!

Untill next time! Too-da-loo!

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