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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So, yesterday I knew I wasn't feeling so hot, but today it was definitely hard to ignore. So, here I am sitting in my bed watching the Today show. Which gets less and less interesting as the morning goes on, if you haven't noticed. Kathy Lee and Hoda... really? This isn't even television anymore. It's just a freak show.

So, even though I am currently laying in pool of my own nose drippings, there is some good news to report on! It seems that as early as next Monday (!!!!!!!!!) I could be moving into my very own two bedroom apartment in Cheney. Everything that needs to be in motion is... just waiting for my finances to get situated, which should hopefully be by the end of this week. I am so ready to move out, and I hope you can all come visit me!

Also, this is something that I meant to post last week, but didn't get the chance. So, early morning on Sprague everyday, the road resembles something like a horse race. Everyone is jockeying for first position onto the freeway. And, MULTIPLE times now, I have been in the front of line. But, more of then than not, some dick wad decides to race ahead of me and cut me off right before the onramp.

Now, I'll be honest with you, I'm already speeding. It's almost guaranteed. So, naturally, these people would realize this right? Since I was obviously ahead of them in the first place. But, FOR SOME reason,  once these a-holes are in front of me, they, being the law abiding citizens they are, decided to slow down to the posted speed. I wouldn't mind this at all... IF THEY HADN'T JUST RACED TO GET IN FRONT OF ME! And now they are slowing me down!

And thats not all, now we are on the onramp and, supposed!, to be getting up to speed so that we can merge onto the freeway. The people in front of me apparently do not understand this concept. They continue to go 40 miles per hour once into the freeway. Hard to merge into traffic when they are going 60 and are more likely to ass end you than hit the brakes. And why should they have to hit the brakes?! So, I make a point to get over into the traffic as soon as possible, usually before the car in front of me, and get right up beside them so they CAN'T merge. Suck it.

So, thats all for today! Until next time!

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