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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Post Tomorrow! (Update today!)

I just thought that I would mention I have yet to get a LEGIT application back. I got one from Sara Robinson that was just a bunch of filthy stuff and one from Abby Vander Linden.  She even went to the lengths of making a fake email and everything. I should have known it was her sooner. The girl was too perfect! haha So, I will wait patiently for some to roll in... but in the mean time I will just be all sad and lonely like usual. :(

Also, tomorrow I will hopefully get in a new post! I have an out of control nose hair that has been bothering me incessantly for a few days that I need to talk about...

Until then! Keep looking up! Cause the nuts are falling off the trees this time of year (and they HURT!).

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I know everything about you! And I may have missed on the chest size, but I think the Mini Cooper made up for that, don't you?


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