Today in my government class we started a section on Civil Liberties. For all of us that know what those are, they are the issues that divide most Americans (50 50 in my class, if you would believe it). Now to start off the lecture, my professor started out by asking us to leave the partisan beliefs at the door and just get through the week acting like big kids.
Most of you probably know where this is already going. The first issue at hand was the issue of flag burning. And of course, the token old man in the back (who ALWAYS challenges Prof. May, and just makes an ass of himself in general) had to raise his hand and give his two cents...
This is all well and fine... if you want to waste your breath! NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK OLD MAN! By law, it's not illegal to burn a the flag! It's Freedom of Speech butt face! No one gives a rip what YOUR thoughts on the issue are! Cause it's a MOOT point!
No, I wouldn't personally burn a flag, because well... I just wouldn't. I was raised to respect it and I firmly believe in what it stands for. But my crazy old neighbor wants to crap on his front lawn and burn a flag, HAVE AT IT! It's not my business! Unless I see his junk, where it seriously becomes my business.
This is not the only time today that this happened. There is also an annoying old lady in the front that likes to put in her two cents. This is the same old lady who last Friday asked WHAT THE BILL OF RIGHTS WERE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! She shouldn't be in college, she should be in Kindergarden.
This leads my to my main point this evening. Americans are obviously confused on many levels. There is a lack of knowledge about what is fact and what constitutes an opinion. The Constitution is the main document in the formation of our government? FACT. The Constitution is the greatest document in the world? OPINION. These things we need to learn! This is why our government is all hung up on itself! Stick to the facts and figures and draw a logical conclusion! Straight up. And keep your crazy ass opinions (that NO ONE ELSE CARES ABOUT) to yourself!
Fantastic! Counldn't have described yesterdays class any better myself!