Check out Aaron's Blog!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So, yesterday I knew I wasn't feeling so hot, but today it was definitely hard to ignore. So, here I am sitting in my bed watching the Today show. Which gets less and less interesting as the morning goes on, if you haven't noticed. Kathy Lee and Hoda... really? This isn't even television anymore. It's just a freak show.

So, even though I am currently laying in pool of my own nose drippings, there is some good news to report on! It seems that as early as next Monday (!!!!!!!!!) I could be moving into my very own two bedroom apartment in Cheney. Everything that needs to be in motion is... just waiting for my finances to get situated, which should hopefully be by the end of this week. I am so ready to move out, and I hope you can all come visit me!

Also, this is something that I meant to post last week, but didn't get the chance. So, early morning on Sprague everyday, the road resembles something like a horse race. Everyone is jockeying for first position onto the freeway. And, MULTIPLE times now, I have been in the front of line. But, more of then than not, some dick wad decides to race ahead of me and cut me off right before the onramp.

Now, I'll be honest with you, I'm already speeding. It's almost guaranteed. So, naturally, these people would realize this right? Since I was obviously ahead of them in the first place. But, FOR SOME reason,  once these a-holes are in front of me, they, being the law abiding citizens they are, decided to slow down to the posted speed. I wouldn't mind this at all... IF THEY HADN'T JUST RACED TO GET IN FRONT OF ME! And now they are slowing me down!

And thats not all, now we are on the onramp and, supposed!, to be getting up to speed so that we can merge onto the freeway. The people in front of me apparently do not understand this concept. They continue to go 40 miles per hour once into the freeway. Hard to merge into traffic when they are going 60 and are more likely to ass end you than hit the brakes. And why should they have to hit the brakes?! So, I make a point to get over into the traffic as soon as possible, usually before the car in front of me, and get right up beside them so they CAN'T merge. Suck it.

So, thats all for today! Until next time!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Old Ladies and Oldsmobiles!

I was cut off this morning on Sprague (AGAIN!) by some old lady in a crappy old Oldsmobile.

She sped ahead of me right before to Sprague onramp, only to get in front of me AND SLOW DOWN TO BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT! When my previous speed was well above it. Needless to say, I pissed off more ways than one.

Note to the reader: For complete accuracy in reading my blog, think of me screaming and waving my arms around as you read this. It is much more life like that way.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Remember that post yesterday? Well...

today I filled out a housing application for the Boulder Apartments in Cheney. It's a two bedroom for the price of a one bedroom (HOLLA!). They are very nice apartments and I am very excited! Nothing is totally final yet, but I am first in line as of right now! If it all works out, I should be moved in by the first week of November... and be living there through August of next year! Of course, with the possibility to re-new my lease when its up! Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted!

Sorry, nothing to rant about today. It was just too good!

OH! And I almost forgot! I got a 4.0 on my first of three essay tests in my media class. WITHOUT READING THE CLASS MATERIAL! Thank you Mrs. O and AP English for teaching me how to completely bullshit an essay in less than an hour!

Until next time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Personal Hell

Nothing like a terrible morning to make me realize exactly WHY I hate public transportation. Today was the SECOND TIME in a row that when I got to the Park and Ride (my ass...) and there was NO parking spots left! I even go there 20 minutes before the bus came this time to make sure I get a spot! Apparently, that's not enough.

I took the liberty of calling the STA while I drove around for 30 minutes looking for a parking spot. Yeah, thats right, I missed TWO busses today. It was enough to make me want to shoot a homeless person. When I finally got a real person from the STA I was informed that if the parking lot was full, I was supposed to find a parking spot somewhere on the streets of Spokane and then walk back to the Non-Park and Ride location. Unfortunately, there was no close spot on the streets to be found.  And, it being the shitty part of downtown, I wasn't willing to venture too far from my car in most locations. So, shaking and cursing with a fervor that I rarely see in my life, I pulled into a gas station to fill up my car and make the trek out to Eastern.

Still shaking as I pumped my gas, I started to calculate things in my head. It's 33 miles to Eastern from my house. My car, funny enough, gets around 33 miles to the gallon! So, each day I drive to Eastern, I am using around 2 gallons, which is also around $6 a day in gas. Counting the time it takes me to get ready and such (I wake around 7 each day) I am spending 3 hours a day GETTING to Eastern. In my mind... this doesn't make sense at all. And thats not considering the hour home commute. 4 hours a day of my life theoretically wasted. So, I stared looking for the solution.

I need to move to Cheney. Most of what I do with my time these days (school, blah!) happens in Cheney. I work three days a week in the valley. So... wouldn't it make more sense to drive 3 days a week to Spokane (where I make up the cost, there and back, in the first hour) rather than going out to Eastern 5 days a week, driving or otherwise?

This lead me to contact the Financial Aid department this afternoon, where the informed me that if I showed them my lease, they would be able to get me a student loan for $5,500 to cover the apartment plus living costs.

To cut a long story short, tomorrow I am looking a few studio apartments, a one bedroom, and a two bedroom that is the price of one. Holla! Well, wish me luck! And share your thoughts!

Untill next time! Too-da-loo!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Post Tomorrow! (Update today!)

I just thought that I would mention I have yet to get a LEGIT application back. I got one from Sara Robinson that was just a bunch of filthy stuff and one from Abby Vander Linden.  She even went to the lengths of making a fake email and everything. I should have known it was her sooner. The girl was too perfect! haha So, I will wait patiently for some to roll in... but in the mean time I will just be all sad and lonely like usual. :(

Also, tomorrow I will hopefully get in a new post! I have an out of control nose hair that has been bothering me incessantly for a few days that I need to talk about...

Until then! Keep looking up! Cause the nuts are falling off the trees this time of year (and they HURT!).

Monday, October 19, 2009

I have no self respect left! I WILL TAKE YOUR PITTY!

Okay everyone... today I get intimate with you guys. Are you ready for some REAL shit? Cause here it comes...

The last time (and first time!) I kissed a girl was... 6 years ago! I was 13. 13!!!! I was a child! I'm pretty sure all we did was slobber on each other and that was kissing.  And not only that, the girl turned out to be a drug addict. Fantastic. And ever since then I have been stuck in the friends zone with most every girl I come in contact with.  I'm not sure if this due to me not being able to accurately read them, or I am just so terribly ugly and off-putting that I, in fact, do repel women in any way beyond friendship.

So... I am now 19 years old. In college. With no girlfriend or significant other of any kind. Life is tough. But, after today, I hope things are bound to get better!

Starting today, I am OFFICIALLY open to looking for a girlfriend. Please ladies, no shoving or cutting in line. After being alone for so many years, I am ready to start and adventure of my own! I want to find love! I want to be heartbroken! I WANT TO LIVE! I'm gonna get some self help books. I'm gonna read all the online articles. And hopefully, I will a be a pimp in no time! (JK, I don't want to be a pimp, but it sounded fun didn't it?)

Now begins my new quest... to find a girlfriend! And to aide me in my endeavor, I will attach an official Girlfriend Application (it's in PDF editable format, so you can do it on the computer). If you or anyone you know might be interested, go ahead and shoot this puppy off in an email! I am doing this in all seriousness. Start circulating these mofo's around! Check out my Facebook.  A picture is worth a thousand words (I am also inclined to believe that I look better in person... but whatev). Have them read the blog of course as well, to make sure they can handle my... sense of humor/attitude problem?

I have no self respect left. I have reverted to an application for God's sake! I will take anyone and everyone (maybe not anyone and everyone... I'm just trying to attract a broad base... I have standards too).  I will take your pity as well! Seriously, bring it on! You feel bad for me? I'll take it. Anything at all honestly.

And remember, when the application is complete, send it back to me at

I look forward to hearing from you (or your semi-hot to hot friends)!   Official Girlfriend Application

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sick, Busy and Fox News!

I apologize for now lying to you all TWICE! I hope I can make it up to you in todays post. I'm going to cover a few things today, so hold on to your wigs and keys!

Okay, to start off I have felt like crap since Thursday afternoon (THANKS GRETA!). My mom seems to think it's allergies (which, honestly, it very well could be) but I am not as optimistic. Friday I called in sick to work, but HAD to go to school to take a math test and a government test (which I am positive I failed both). Saturday I saw Where the Wild Thing's Are (I'm still trying to process it... but I liked it none the less). After that I was supposed to go to the corn maze with Alex. But, by that time, the 70 degree weather had eroded into fits of down-pouring rain. So, we decided to do something that was exciting/dangerous.... (ask privately if you want to know... lol). And, today (Sunday) I made it down to Wal Mart (must have been a welfare check weekend! WHOOOOOOEEEEE!). I decided to invest in a little bit of happy.  I bought a 22 in VIZIO HDTV. It is super pretty and the picture looks like the people are standing right there in the screen. It's amazingness on a screen.

This leads me to ponder the week ahead. Tomorrow I face the imminent threat that I will be failing my math class and be close to the same in my gov class. I have to work tomorrow night (hooray...?). And I SOOOO tired, yet I can't sleep (this is a recurring issue). This week should be a challenge to say the least.

About my previously teased posts, I actually started to write the one about driving, but it just didn't have the umph it needed to come off right. In person, I REALLY get going, but in words it just wasn't cutting it. So, to you, I apologize. Maybe I can do a audio post? lol

Today, my major rant was about the Obama administration attacking Fox News. I did a little bit on Facebook, but I'm gonna do a little more elaborating on here.

We ALL know Fox News is by and large a right wingish news channel. It's no secret. These claims are true!  We all know it. Also, SMART people realize that most of the shows on Fox are OPINION programs! No one is claiming that Glen Beck is a hard hitting journalist! He has an agenda, just like EVERYONE ELSE! His, just happens to be anti Obama.  But what about CNN or MSNBC which are BOTH largely leftist channels? Why is no one calling them out? Oh, right, because they are a mouthpiece for the government. It's not so much that its the Fox network that bothers, but the fact that the President feels the need to attack an opposing opinion. That's not exactly how our system works Mr. Obama. We're not in China.

Also, I would like to point out that, yes, Fox News does occasionally make mistakes in reporting... but! So does CNN! AND CBS. AND EVERYONE! They all make mistakes, but no one is gunning for CNN, so there is no reason to point them out or even investigate.

So, Obama... BACK OFF THE MEDIA! It's not your job to decide what people can and can't say. It's called FREE SPEECH ass hole.

Until next time!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Okay, since I teased you on Facebook a few days about a post that I honestly had EVERY intention of writing that night, but never did, I will PROMISE again that tomorrow will be a double whammy day. Two posts for the price of one! I have driving in Spokane to talk about, and then I'm gonna talk TV (the trash, the treasure, and the... GLEE!). Bahahaha! Okay, anyway. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Civil Liberties (And why your opinion doesn't matter!)

Today in my government class we started a section on Civil Liberties. For all of us that know what those are, they are the issues that divide most Americans (50 50 in my class, if you would believe it). Now to start off the lecture, my professor started out by asking us to leave the partisan beliefs at the door and just get through the week acting like big kids.

Most of you probably know where this is already going. The first issue at hand was the issue of flag burning. And of course, the token old man in the back (who ALWAYS challenges Prof. May, and just makes an ass of himself in general) had to raise his hand and give his two cents...

This is all well and fine... if you want to waste your breath! NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK OLD MAN! By law, it's not illegal to burn a the flag! It's Freedom of Speech butt face! No one gives a rip what YOUR thoughts on the issue are! Cause it's a MOOT point!

No, I wouldn't personally burn a flag, because well... I just wouldn't. I was raised to respect it and I firmly believe in what it stands for. But my crazy old neighbor wants to crap on his front lawn and burn a flag, HAVE AT IT! It's not my business! Unless I see his junk, where it seriously becomes my business.

This is not the only time today that this happened. There is also an annoying old lady in the front that likes to put in her two cents. This is the same old lady who last Friday asked WHAT THE BILL OF RIGHTS WERE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! She shouldn't be in college, she should be in Kindergarden.

This leads my to my main point this evening. Americans are obviously confused on many levels. There is a lack of knowledge about what is fact and what constitutes an opinion. The Constitution is the main document in the formation of our government? FACT. The Constitution is the greatest document in the world? OPINION. These things we need to learn! This is why our government is all hung up on itself! Stick to the facts and figures and draw a logical conclusion! Straight up. And keep your crazy ass opinions (that NO ONE ELSE CARES ABOUT) to yourself!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Douche bags! (Let's get this one over with shall we?)

An Introduction:

As I sit here in my Mass Media class (which is basically a load of bull...) I can't help but be reminded of and irritated by what most us know as the common douche bag.  Here is the Urban Dictionary definition for ya'll: 
A person that is a total moron and doesn't think before he/she speaks or acts or one with an undescribeable idiocy, hence stupidity, poor idea of what's cool, possibly an arrogance about them or one with an intolerable personality.

I am reminded of this because there are two sitting right in front of me. As I sp...type. Literally, I could reach out and smack them both right now. Of course, walking around on a college campus all day, these are not the only animals of this species I run into.

How to spot a douche:

You see them everywhere! Grocery stores, movie theaters, gas stations, but, most of all, PARKING LOTS. Little known fact of the douche bag is that they LOVE to hang out in parking lots next to their cars. This in turn makes theirs cars a large accessory to their duchebagery. The common douche car has a small sporty car or any size of a truck (go check out the Freeman parking lot and people driving them *eyebrow raise*). Because no matter what the size of the truck, although deep down they would all like a BIGGER truck but would never admit they feel their truck is inadequate, they will all try to make as "manly" as possible. Things like adding a CB radio or putting a huge "Skin" sticker with the naked lady in your back window (cause THAT makes you man apparently, not the fact that you have a penis or the Y chromosome).

Another tell tale sign of a douche bag is his arrogance. They are so confident they would probably fart in your presence and try to convince you it smells like a summer breeze. Case in point! The kid in front of me, last week, did this thing where you stretch your arms up and then out to the side. When he got to the side, he made the move like he was going to put his arm around the girl next to him (who has a boyfriend by the way!), but pulled out the last minute and proceeded to turn around and GIGGLE with his friend who just watched him do this. How else do you explain an action like this? You can't.

What we can do about it:

STOP being nice to these people! The reason they continue to be the way they are? Because no one tells them to stop! They are so unaware of the world around them, how else would they know they are tools?!  And it can't just be one or two people either otherwise the effect intended will not sink it. This has to be a 100% group effort. It's kinda like how you hear someone say something about you in the hallway in high school. It's just one person. Who gives a rip? But what happens when its EVERY person the hallway? You have a problem that needs to be fixed. SO, we all need to bad to together! Put the douches of the world in their place (and Freeman was and IS CRAWLING with them, so you definitely have a place to start)!  Join me, my fellow douche haters! 


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And you thought the bagel morning was bad?

Okay, so I had every intention of writing about something crazy that I saw at school today, but, as usual, my life took took a turn for the effed up. I didn't even MAKE IT to school today. So I missed my government class (where attendance counts for your grade) and I missed my math class that I am 1% away from failing (thank you first college test!). Now, as to WHY this all started happening.

I woke up today ready to seize the day. Carpe diem (right?). That all ended before I even made it to the shower, which is literally maybe 10 steps from my bedroom. Here is my morning routine. My alarm goes off at 7:15am (Strawberry Avalanche is the tone). I wake up at 7:25ish. Now, I'm cold when I get out of my bed cocoon. So I try to get from my bed to the shower the quickest way possible. This means going through the kitchen where on one side of the entry way is the oven and the other is the fridge. The first sign of a bad day? In my hurry to get to the shower, I hit the fridge. Today? I hit the fridge.

Cut to 8:30. I'm brushing my teeth and my dad and brother walk out the door to go to work. My dad bursts back in the door and the unthinkable has been thunk. "You're front left tire is flat!" This is followed by a string of garbled curse words through my foamy, toothpasted mouth.

My dad looks at my tire and figures out that the air thingy (I think thats the scientific term) is broken. So we put on my spare the throw the old tire back in my trunk. I consider going to school on the spare and dealing with the tire later, but decide its not worth betting my life on a tire that is only supposed to go to 35 miles per hour (opps! I went 60 on HWY 27).

It is now 9:10am ish. When I get to Discount Tire (PLUG!) I am greeted by a rather unhappy looking fellow. Not really sure what his problem was, since he probably had four GOOD tires. He looks at the tire and informs me that I should only take around 15 minutes. Sweet! I could probably make it to class with minutes to spare or at least the tiniest bit late. Things are starting to look up!

10:15am. I look out the window and see that my car has yet to move from my original parking spot. At this rate, I wouldn't even make it for most of my math period. My school hopes are dashed as I sip on my Albertsons Brand coffee in a dirty foam cup. Soon enough, my car is finally done (FOR FREE!) and I decide to head home and punch dance out my anger (and probably try to work on the math that I missed today).

So thats my story and I'm sticking to it! And on a totally unrelated note, my toes are COLD!

Untill next time!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First installment of "Faded Rants"

Okay, so for my first "official" blog entry, I will be doing what I lovingly refer to as a "Faded Rant". This is just a rant that I never got to post out when it really happened (obviously, since I just booted this damn thing up today!). So, here goes. The first installment of "Faded Rants"!

1. Date: Today Time: TOO early this morning.

My mom bought me some bagels at the store this weekend (thanks mom!). And today was the first day that I had a moment to grab one on my way out the door. This would seem to be a simple task.... not so. I get the bagel out of the bag and proceed to cut it in half. Then I move to the refrigerator to get the Philidephia WHipped Cream Cheese and... I CAN'T FIND IT! It is NOWHERE to be found. AND!! To make matters worse, there is a used knife in the sink... WITH CREAM CHEESE ON IT! WTF?! It was a brand new container! So, I ended up putting butter on it. Not ideal, but it worked.
My morning gets even better. There I am walking out the door right? Backpack on shoulder, pomegranate juice in one hand, BAGEL in the other. I reach for the door handle of my car, BOOM! Top bagel half hits the ground. Now I'm just pissed. I went through all the trouble with not having the ideal bagel and now my pathetic excuse of a bagel is TAKEN from me? It honestly felt like a slap in the face straight from the heavens.

2. Date: Today Time: 11:45ish

Got a 61% on my first college math test... I don't wanna talk about it.

3. Date: Last Thursday (Actual date? Who cares) Time: 1pm-2:45 pm

There are two things about my mass media class that I am almost certain of...
A) My teacher is on drugs (I'll explain)
B) I'm 90% percent sure he tried to brain wash me.

Okay. So my teacher. He's basically and gangly freak. He kind of reminds me of an ostrich (can I put in photos?!). Why drugs you ask? He is very shifty. He moves really jerkily, like a rusted old robot. Also, he scratches... a lot. His face, his arms, his head... anything. Classic drug addict behavior (I watch Intervention...).

Now the brainwashing thing. He had us watch some videos this day. One... was just creepy 80's elevator music with peoples faces... they started out happy and smiling and everything seemed okay. But then it got weird... The faces started to get angry looking. There was a clip of these feet slapping against the ground. For like 5 minutes. It lasted so long I got the church giggles because I didn't know what was going on. That's when I realized I was being brainwashed. I don't remember much after that because I just started telling myself to "fight it" so that I wouldn't succumb to his will. He went on to explain that this movie he showed us only made it to 10 theaters in the US. I wonder why? Who doesn't want to spend $10 on a film about angry faces and floppy feet?

Well, thats my first real post! Tell me what you think! What worked, what didn't?

Thanks for reading! Until the next time I get angry!

Shalom and Welcome! (No I am not Jewish)

Hi everyone! Welcome to my new blog "Rants and Ramblings of an Admitted A-Hole"! I hope you all are ready for some rants and... well, ramblings of an a-hole! Cause that's what my blog is going to be all about. I will talk about everything! My family, my friends (feeeeeeeeel the power...), school, TV, movies, music and pretty much anything else that goes on in my life. Not a day goes by that something completely insane doesn't happen to me (like my car being charged by the bag lady?! YEAH! It happened!).

So, I hope you all join my blog, become followers, bookmark the page and check back almost daily! I can't promise something EVERY day to start with as I'm just starting to work this into my schedule, but I hope to turn this into a daily occurrence. Stay tuned! Crazy rants soon to come!


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