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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sometimes the little black dress is a little too little.

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! Well... not so much the weather, but what the weather is now bringing with it. With a record two days of nice weather here at the Eastern campus, students are obviously ready to shed the fur coats and snow pants. And by shed, I mean wear a little clothes as humanly possible. 

The Ladies:
1. The little black dress is a staple in many girls wardrobes. And is nice to a night out on the town. But there is the rare case where a big girl tries to get away with the little black dress. Today I saw what looked like a girl trying to smuggle a little black dress across the border with her body... think about it. Needless to say, it was not the most flattering thing I had ever seen. 

2. The boots with the fur! WITH THE FUR! Okay, but seriously. Bootie shorts with Uggs, cowboy boots, or any type of boot for that matter. NO! You quickly fall into the Eski-ho style of fashion. And no one wants to be there... unless you're a legit ho. 

The Gentlemen:
1. The wife beater. Nuff said. 

2. Top half commando. Guys! WE GET IT! You are in LOVE with yourself and want everyone else to be to, but there is absolutely no reason you can't keep your shirt on from class A to class B. It's really not that hot out. And this isn't a beach. Or a Chippendales. 

Well, thats all for today! Ya'll come back now, ya here! 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fucked up weather and the douche bag stroll! (And old dads trying to act young)

So, today in Cheney, it is literally raining cougars and hell hounds. My hair was in its normal up-do, and by the time I made it class I looked like Gomer Pyle. And besides the hurricane force winds, I missed my first class of the day (I even did the reading last night and I NEVER do the reading!). I'm positive I need a new mattress. Cause I feel like a turd every morning. My whole body aches like someone took a hammer to me while I was sleeping... Sara....

But! On to the REAL purpose for this post (besides demands from my adoring fans... heh...), as is often the case, douche bags! Douche bags abound on a college campus. So many young males thinking they are the cock of the walk... or more than likely, just a cock. Strolling into class late with your baggy sweatpants, baseball hat, and aviators (a staple in the douche bag wardrobe).


That may help you get a slutty sorority girl in the short term, but in long run you are going to end up alone and with a beer belly cause you're still an ass hole and now officially an alcoholic. Congratulations!

Also, at work recently, I have noticed a really shocking trend. There are a lot of young parents out there these days. I get it. BUT! You are still a parent! It's time to start acting and looking like one. Not a hoodlum off the street. Take the gauge out of your ears, comb your hair, and stop wearing Affliction shirts. The only thing you are afflicted with at this moment is being a tool. GROW UP!

Thanks for reading! Until next time!

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