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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Little Orange Girls and SheMan Goths

So, you can tell its almost spring time around campus here at Eastern Washington University because all the little blonde girls are getting there pre-summer tan on! And by pre-summer tan I mean they are starting to look like oompa loompas (classic style, of course, because retro is in)!

It really is kind of shocking that ANYONE would think that being faked and baked to the point of charring your skin to a color of the rainbow would be remotely attractive or appealing. (Okay, sidetrack! Sitting in the library, about FIVE little orange girls just passed me! I hope its not something in the water...?) Seriously, I like orange juice, but not in human form. I just don't understand how someone can look in the mirror at that point and say to yourself, "Yeah. This looks good." It doesn't. Unless your a drunk frat boy who REALLY likes oranges or... traffic cones... But, as already implied, I am not in most of these girls demographic if you know what I mean. Example, I am not drunk, stupid, really attractive, or color blind.

Also! I have seen this... thing? now a few times and have meant to write about it before, but never got around to it. There is this man/woman goth that roams campus here. I honestly have NO idea what the gender is. The face is kind of mannish but also has some softer features. And the clothes are too black and baggy to notice if there are any discernible breasts.

These androgynous types scare me, to be completely honest. You don't know what you are dealing with so you are left completely vulnerable. Is it too much to ask to wear a bow in your hair perhaps? Or if you are male, TRY to have a little five o'clock shadow?

Welp, that is it for today! Thanks for reading and spread the word! Tell your friends! Until next time!

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