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Friday, November 6, 2009

Through Rain, Snow, Wind and Squirrel Droppings

So, it's super windy today. On my drive out to Eastern my poor car was thrown all over the road. Ruts+Wind= Brandon almost in the ditch 6 times.

So, I have been meaning to write about this for a long time, but am now only getting around to it. Need to get it in now while it's still relevant. Anywho! Squirrels. At Eastern. It's literally an epidemic. Like, the squirrel to human ratio at this place is probably close to 2:1. They could probably easily take over the whole school if they wanted to. But I doubt they are that organized.

Not a day goes by that I don't pass two squirrels fighting, one trying to carry a nut that is obviously out of its league, and one really shifty drug squirrel. You know, the ones that freak every time a person walks by and scurry to the base of a tree and give you that, "You don't want to mess with this shit look."

But up until now, I have never seen any remnants of their existence on campus besides the animals themselves. Today... that all changed.

On my usual trek to my GOV 100 class in Showalter, I there is one path cut off due to construction, so I cut through the grass. This is all normal. But once I got into the building and wiped my feet on the rugs as I passed through the doors... there was noticeably something coming off of my right foot. Upon further inspection I believe that I had my first run in with a squirrel turd. I have no actual proof of this, but that is the only thing I can assume it was. There was not dirt passed through. Clean grass. And sidewalk.

No, I didn't smell it to confirm. Would it smell like anything besides peanut butter anyway?

So, now I sit here in class with what I assume to be vermin shit on my shoe.... and rather than study for my test in about 20 mins, I decided to regale you with my story. Which I hope you enjoyed.

Ciao! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. haha peanut butter... the squirrels here hide in the trash cans and jump out right when you walk by. they time it perfectly and it gets me everytime! i'm sorry about your shoe. :(


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