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Friday, April 9, 2010

Sunglasses at night, smokers in my face, and a trifecta of douches

First blog post in a LONG while! Needless to say, I have been very busy with life and, generally, have not had so many things bothering me lately. BUT! Never fear! These last two weeks I have been extremely sensitive to bullshit around me, and I am ready to let loose like a bomb on some Nazis!

1. First! Sunglasses at night. I have been seeing ALOT lately. It seems douches all around Cheney have put away their winter garb and grabbed their compensating Oakley glasses to match their pickup trucks. I just don't understand this. I have a hard enough seeing at night with my eyes alone. I couldn't even imagine wearing sunglasses at night. I am sure I would kill someone. Or worse, stub my toe.

2. Smokers on campus! I recently read an article in a Easterner newspaper about trying to ban smoking on campus and I SAY DO IT! I can't even count the times I have been walking behind someone who decides to light one up and I end up walking behind freight train in disguise sucking in their second hand fart breath smoke. I'm sick of it. Who cares if you have to walk off campus to light up? Its gross and unhealthy. Might as well be PORN! Which, coincidently, is not allowed on campus or within 1000 feet of schools and churches. Sounds like a good idea to me...

3. The trifecta of douches! This would be three guys at the Owl City concert last week that were ALL wearing their sunglasses inside and getting WAY to into the music. Its electronica, not gansta rap you assholes. Clam down. And then one of them took credit for some flowers a little 13 year old boy brought for the opening girl LIGHTS. WHAT DOUCHE! I hope he burns in hell, because I'm pretty sure he just broke like 3 of the 10 Commandments.

4. SOCKS WITH FLIP FLOPS! Okay... so when my 70 year old grandparents do this... I can't complain. They are almost senile and have earned the right to wear whatever the hell they damn well want. But... COLLEGE STUDENTS? For the love of the Lord, please STOP. You look like a damn fool! This has never been acceptable, NOR WILL IT EVER BE! End the madness. Only you can prevent terrible acts of fashion.

Well, thats it for now! Hope to write soon! Thanks for reading!

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